After His Death: Yaacov Chefetz left the Kibbutz where he lived in 1999. In fact, he sunders himself from an ideology which served as a central pillar of the Zionism in Israel. Twenty two years Chefetz tried to use the Socialist Zionism in his works and his world-view. The project After His Death took place near his leave and used relevant materials as his testimony.

After His Death. (Artist Life in the Kibbutz) catalogue 2000.
After His Death ( Artist Life in the Kibbutz) – is Yaacov Chefetz first exhibition from without , rather than within, the kibbutz movement, and it is wholly linked to the private-biographical event of leaving the kibbutz some three months ago… the current exhibition is a meaningful event which completes a circle in Yaacov Chefetz personal life… who was not born on the kibbutz, but rather came there out of ideological conviction…

-- Tali Tamir, kibbutz Gallery Curator. 2000

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